Dr. Antonia Matalas
Antonia Matalas is a Professor of Nutrition. She has a B.Sc. in Chemistry and a Ph.D. in Nutrition. Since her doctoral studies at the University of California, Davis (UCD) she turned to research that blends life sciences with social sciences. She has taught the course of Food and Culture as an Associate Lecturer in the Department of Nutrition, UCD in 1991-1992 and has been teaching nutrition courses at Harokopio University of Athens since 1997. She has edited the books “The Mediterranean Diet” (CRC Press 2001), “Nutrition in 21st Century, Geographies of Affluence and Deprivation” (Papazisis 2005) and “Fish and Seafood. Anthropological Perspectives from the Past and the Present” (International Commission for the Anthropology of Food 2013).
Research summary
Dr. Matalas’ research work has been published in reputable journals within life sciences as well as, within humanities (H index = 25). Her research on eliciting the nutritional and social aspects of breastfeeding and their policy implications in Greece led to her participating in EFSAs (European Food Safety Authority) project «Update of the EFSA Comprehensive Food Consumption Database Project» (2013-2015). She supervised the development of the “Cyprus Food Virtual Museum” and is participating in PIMENTO, a Network for the Promotion of Fermented Foods (https://fermentedfoods.eu/).
Food, Nutritional status, Culture, Mediterranean diet
Harokopio University of Athens (HUA)
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
176 76 Athens