Dr. N. Pelin Kocatürk Schumacher
Dr. Pelin Kocatürk Schumacher is an associate professor in Water and Environmental Engineering at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). She has a background in environmental engineering from Istanbul Technical University, and a double PhD degree in environmental sciences from Wageningen University and University of Copenhagen. She also worked at University of Freiburg, Bremen University, and Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research as postdoctoral researcher. She has been co-leading Resource Recovery research group at NMBU since she joined the team in 2020.
Research summary
Her research focuses on wastewater and bio-waste management technologies for circular bioeconomy, she works with nutrient recovery technologies aiming at the production of bio-based fertilizers including biochar-based fertilizers, which can replace mineral fertilizers. Her research on energy recovery focuses on both anaerobic digestion and bioelectrochemical systems for the conversion of organic waste into bioenergy. She also works with removal technologies for the contaminants of emerging concern in wastewater and sewage sludge.
Resource recovery, Waste biorefinery, Bioenergy recovery, Wastewater engineering, Bio-based fertilizers
Norwegian University of Life Sciences Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Resource Recovery Research Group
0454 Oslo