Rafael Bello-Perez
Graduated in Mathematical Cybernetics at UCLV in 1982, PhD in Mathematical Sciences (1987) at UCLV. He has taught postgraduate courses at UCLV, as well as in other countries: Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Nicaragua and Spain. Professor of Merit of the UCLV and Visiting Professor at the University of Holguin, the University of Camagüey and the University of Matanzas. Coordinator of the Doctorate in Computer and Informatics Sciences. Director of the Informatics Research Center and President of the Scientific Council of the UCLV. Vice-president of the National Tribunals for the defense of doctoral theses in Mathematics and Computer Science and Automatics and Computer Science of Cuba. Member of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Communications and of the committee of experts of several National Programs of Science and Technology. Among the main awards received are the “Carlos J. Finlay” Order and the “Frank País” Order of First and Second degree granted by the Cuban Council of State, 9 Awards of the Cuban Academy of Sciences, and 7 Special Distinctions of the Minister of Higher Education.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Computing in Mathematics, Naturak Science, Engineering and Medicine, Data Mining
Carretera a Camajuaní Km. 5 y 1/2
Santa Clara