We closed our 2024 BrIAS season on Sustainable Robotics, involving 14 international senior fellows and 8 Junior fellows, organising 36 seminars, 4 forums, and several other activities. We are very grateful for all the fellows that helped us to realise a fantastic season. This season was special because we could finally move into our new premises at the Usquare (the former Gendarmerie buidlings of Brussels, pictured above), and we could host our first events and seminars in our own spaces. Below are some some pictures taken during the season. All our seminars and forums were livestreamed and are available on our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@BrIAStalks/streams for the livestreams and here for the edited videos: https://www.youtube.com/@BrIAStalks/videos
BrIAS seminars

BrIAS Forums
In addition to the weekly seminars we organised 4 forums involving international guest speakers alongside experts from Belgium. The four forums were organised on the four core-themes of the BrIAS 2024 season: Robotics in Agriculture, Sustainable Robotic Technologies, Human-Robot Collaboration, War and Peace and Robotics.

Social and cultural events
Other than seminars and forums we also organised regular outings, dinners and other events:

Dinner at the University foundation 15.2.2024
BrIAS Drones and Pizza evening in the SAAS flight lab, ULB

visit to surrealism exhibition at the BOZAR

Belgian beer tasting evening and farewell to Prof. Eduardo Camacho in the BrIAS foyer

Piano concert in the BrIAS seminar hall 2.5.2024 with Pianist Simon Vaskou

End of year Aperitif in the BrIAS Foyer