Dr. Beat Kümin
Beat Kümin is Professor of Early Modern European History at the University of Warwick, U.K. Having studied at the universities of Bern and Cambridge, he became a Junior Research Fellow at Magdalene College, Cambridge, in 1993 and then directed a project on public houses funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation 1997-2000. In 2001, he joined Warwick’s History Department and has since held fellowships / visiting appointments at Bielefeld, Greifswald, Konstanz and Montreal.
Research summary
Beat Kümin works on social interaction in parish churches and public houses. Having co-founded the Drinking Studies Network, he now co-ordinates the Warwick Network for Parish Research and acts as an academic lead of Warwick’s Global Research Priority on Food. Publications include the monograph Drinking Matters: Public Houses and Social Exchange in Early Modern Central Europe (2007) and the essay collection A Cultural History of Food in the Early Modern Age (2012). He has also edited the textbook The European World 1500-1800: An Introduction to Early Modern History (4th edn, 2023).
History – Early Modernity – Food & Drink – Public Houses
Organisatie informatie
University of Warwick
Department of History,
United Kingdom