Dr. Rajeshwari R.
Dr. Rajeshwari R. is a Plant Pathologist specialized in Plant Virology at Department of Plant Pathology, University of Horticultural Sciences, Karnataka, India. She received Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, Master’s and PhD degrees in Plant Pathology from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India. She has been working on plant virus interactions, virus vector relationships and bio-stimulant induced plant disease resistance and biotic stress management.
Research summary
The research highlights are on innovative solutions to address the novel challenges posed by plant pathogenic fungi, bacteria and viruses. The main focus of research is on reducing the use of chemical pesticides by utilizing alternatives for plant protection chemicals i.e. bio-stimulants and biopesticides for biotic and abiotic stress management. She works on detection and diagnosis of begomo and tospoviruses infecting cucurbits. The priority research is on evaluation of different bio-stimulants for its efficacy against disease suppression, induced disease resistance, salinity and drought tolerance in different horticulture crops.
Plant viruses, host resistance, bio-stimulants, biotic and abiotic stress
Organisatie informatie
Department of Plant Pathology College of Horticulture
GKVK, Bengaluru University of Horticultural Sciences
Bagalkot 587104